MRS BUFFY Small Armchair by Paolo Martinig LACIVIDINA
There is the appealing air of a whimsical old lady about the Mrs Buffy collection of small and large armchairs and sofas with substantial shapes. The headrest and the slightly inclined form make it naturally comfortable and dynamic, so it is perfect for conversation.
LACIVIDINA MRS BUFFY Modern Office Collection
Unadulterated aesthetics, high-quality materials, perfect workmanship and exceptional organization. Comfort and appealing designs keeping the Italian manual culture alive.
LaCividina conceives and makes collections of designer armchairs and sofas that epitomize the most authentic, quintessential qualities associated with the “Made in Italy” label.LaCividina has been manufacturing products with ingenuity and originality for almost half a century. The invaluable properties of Italian manual culture live on in its workmanship