DIVINA pendant white-brushed silver by BOMMA
Define Your own signature style with DIVINA pendant white-brushed silver by contemporary lighting designer from Czech Republic Bomma. This collection is ideal for use above desk or a dining table, thanks to the light source located within the bottom of the cylindrical mounting body
The Divina lights are smaller and more perfectly fit intimate interiors. “Phenomena is a notable levitating ball – it’s an art object, a centerpiece in each space,” the designers explain.
BOMMA turning unique lighting visions into reality
Bomma has been continually moving traditional Czech glassmaking crafts to a new level since 2012. With centuries of glassmaking tradition in East Bohemia, this unique brand now takes advantage of a rich pool of talent and top-level skills. Instead of simply maintaining these traditions, Bomma sets today’s standards of glassmaking and lighting design. The emphasis on contemporary design, outstanding glass quality and detail brought to BOMMA many awards and worldwide recognition in a surprisingly short time, leading to exceptional positioning in the market, as well as countless interesting projects and collaborations.