Nilo Small by Karman
Set your style free with Nilo Small by original lighting designer from Italy Karman. This project is the result of a distant memory. A warm mid-summer afternoon in Sassocorvaro ย one of the many magical Italian villages ย and its river. The awakening of sounds, scents, happy shouts and carefree days spent playing with friends, between the running water and those funny ornamental water plants.
Karman world moves itself with simplicity towards an original and personal decorative use of lighting in both private surroundings and public spaces. Every lamp has something to say, it is a recollection becoming true embodiment and a piece of real life. All designersย styles blend and coexist happily between tradition and modernity inspired by research and great technical skills to create beauty. It’s time to experiment, dare and innovate your personal space with Karman lighting.